
i can

Whatever issues you may have, I can help to ease your discomfort. Both the Emotion Code and Body Code can help to improve emotional health and physical well-being by releasing trapped emotions and addressing imbalances in the body. 

The Emotion Code and Body Code can help you feel better and make your life healthier and happier by releasing emotional baggage and addressing physical and emotional imbalances. By incorporating these techniques into your wellness routine, you can experience profound shifts in your emotional and physical health. Get ready to feel good again!

Let's get to work 

Are you ready to feel good again?

Emotion Code and Body Code are both powerful healing modalities that focus on identifying and releasing trapped emotions and imbalances in the body. These techniques were developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, a chiropractor and holistic practitioner, and have been used to successfully help thousands of people around the world.

One of the significant advantages of the Emotion Code and Body Code is that they are gentle, yet effective. Unlike traditional therapies that require the client to talk about their traumatic experiences, these modalities use muscle testing to identify and release trapped emotions. The client does not need to discuss or disclose their trauma, making it a more comfortable and less intimidating experience. It's kind of like hitting the easy button!

I'm a certified emotion code and body code practitioner.

How I can help...

Ways the Emotion Code and Body Code Can Help


physical discomfort

emotional issues

If you're tired of feeling disconnected and unsatisfied with your relationships, the Emotion Code and Body Code can improve relationships.

Start feeling relief from physical strain, tension and discomfort. The Emotion Code and Body Code can help improve many physical issues. 

Get relief from the emotional and psychological issues that are blocking you from a life of joy, and happiness.

How the  emotion code &
body code can helP

The Emotion Code is a method of energy healing that aims to identify and release trapped emotions, which are thought to be the root cause of physical and emotional imbalances. The concept behind the Emotion Code is that emotions are a form of energy, and that when they are not properly processed and released, they can become trapped in the body, leading to a wide range of physical and emotional issues.

Dr. Bradley Nelson, a chiropractor and holistic healer, developed the Emotion Code in the late 1990s based on his years of experience working with patients. He found that many of his patients’ physical and emotional symptoms were related to trapped emotions and that by releasing these emotions, he could help his patients achieve better health and well-being.

How does the Body Code work? At its core, the Emotion Code is a technique for identifying and releasing trapped emotions. To do this, a practitioner uses a combination of muscle testing and intention to connect with the patient’s subconscious mind and identify any trapped emotions that may be causing physical or emotional issues. Using muscle testing, the practitioner can ask the patient’s subconscious mind a series of questions to identify any trapped emotions. Once these emotions have been identified, the practitioner can then use intention to release them, either through a physical motion or by using a magnet down the governing meridian to clear the energy.

The Emotion Code is based on the idea that emotions are stored in the body’s energy field, which can become disrupted or blocked due to trauma, stress, or other factors. By releasing trapped emotions, the body’s energy field can be restored to its natural state, promoting healing and balance. It is a gentle, non-invasive technique that can be used on people of all ages, and can be used alone or in conjunction with other forms of therapy.

The Emotion Code is a powerful tool for emotional healing and well-being. By identifying and releasing trapped emotions, we can restore balance to our body’s energy field and promote healing on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. If you are struggling with chronic pain, stress, or emotional issues, consider exploring the Emotion Code as a potential solution to your health and wellness needs.

What is the emotion code?

Tell me more...

meet dr. bradley nelson 

This was the first video I watched that introduced me to Dr. Nelson and the Emotion Code. Dr. Nelson talks about energy, the quantum field, energy frequency, muscle testing and how emotions can become trapped in the body. Dr. Nelson shares stories of how the Emotion Code has helped many of his clients. 

What is the Body Bode and how can it improve your life? The Body Code, also developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, is an energy healing system designed to help identify and release imbalances in the body. This powerful technique combines the principles of quantum physics, traditional Chinese medicine, and other healing modalities to provide a holistic approach to healing.

At its core, the Body Code is based on the idea that the body has an innate ability to heal itself, but sometimes needs a little assistance. By identifying and releasing imbalances, the body can return to its natural state of balance and harmony.

So, how does the Body Code work? It involves a series of steps that allow a practitioner to access the body's energy field and identify any imbalances that may be present. This is typically done using muscle testing, a technique that involves asking the body yes or no questions and receiving responses through subtle muscle movements. Once an imbalance has been identified, there is a special techniques to release it. By releasing the imbalance, the body is able to restore balance and harmony, which can lead to improved health and well-being.

The Body Code can be used to address a wide range of physical, emotional, and mental imbalances. For example, it can be used to address issues like chronic pain, digestive problems, allergies, anxiety, depression, and much more. By addressing these imbalances, the body is able to function at its optimal level, which can lead to improved overall health and well-being.

The Body Code deals with 6 different main types of imbalances:
  • Emotional Imbalances- post-traumatic, emotional, allergy or intolerance, mental, offensive
  • Toxicity Imbalances- dental, biological, food, heavy metals, drug, electromagnetic radiation, environmental
  • Circuitry or System Imbalances- organs, glands, disconnections, energy body, system, body cycle 
  • Pathogen Imbalances- parasites, fungal, bacterial, viral, mold, prion, biofilm
  • Misalignment Imbalances - systems, common misalignments, skeleton, soft tissue, chakra, meridian
  • Nutrition or Lifestyle Imbalances- sleep, magnetic field, color imbalance, hydration, essential oils, nutrition

But the benefits of the body code go beyond just physical healing. It can also be used to address emotional and mental imbalances, which can have a significant impact on our lives. By releasing negative emotions and limiting beliefs, we can improve our relationships, increase our confidence, and achieve greater success in all areas of our lives.

One of the most powerful aspects of the Body Code is its ability to address imbalances that may be deeply rooted in the subconscious mind that you may not even know about. These imbalances can be difficult to identify and address through traditional methods, but the body code provides a powerful tool for accessing and releasing them.

The body code is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to improve their health and well-being. Whether you're dealing with a physical, emotional, or mental imbalance, the body code can help you identify and release the underlying cause, allowing you to return to a state of balance and harmony. By identifying and releasing imbalances in the body, the body code can help improve your health and well-being in a variety of ways. Whether you're dealing with physical, emotional, or mental imbalances, the body code can help you restore balance and harmony, allowing you to live your best life.

What is the BODY code?

Is there more?

The Body Code 

In this video, Dr. Bradley Nelson explains why he created the Body Code and the simple premise that the body is self-healing and knows what it needs in order to thrive and flourish. He explains the 6 key areas where imbalances are found: Energies, Circuits or Systems, Toxicity, Misalignments, Nutrition and Lifestyle and Pathogens.

I'm going to add one more modality to the list of techniques I also use in my practitioner tool bag...PSYCH-K®. I use this if it feels right at the end of the sessions once we're released all the imbalances or upon client request.

What is PSYCH-K® anyway? PSYCH-K®, also known as Psychological Kinesiology, is a powerful technique that helps individuals transform limiting beliefs into empowering ones. Developed in the late 1980s by Rob Williams, PSYCH-K® combines principles of neuroscience, psychology, and muscle testing to facilitate change at the subconscious level of the mind.

At its core, PSYCH-K® is based on the understanding that the subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It is this part of the mind that holds our beliefs, memories, and programming, and it influences how we experience the world around us. The problem is that many of our beliefs are formed during childhood and may no longer serve us as adults. These beliefs can be limiting and cause us to feel stuck in certain areas of our lives, such as relationships, career, health, and finances.

By communicating directly with the subconscious using muscle testing techniques, PSYCH-K® practitioners are able to identify and transform limiting beliefs. When a limiting belief has been identified, PSYCH-K® uses a set of processes called balances to create new, empowering beliefs. The balances are designed to integrate the new beliefs into the subconscious mind and reprogram the brain to perceive the world in a different way. This process is often described as creating a "psychological upgrade" to the mind. PSYCH-K® has been shown to be effective in helping individuals achieve their goals and improve their overall quality of life.

PSYCH-K® is a non-invasive and gentle technique. There is no need to relive traumatic experiences or talk extensively about past issues. PSYCH-K® is also quick, with many clients experiencing immediate results after just one session. PSYCH-K® is a powerful technique that can help individuals transform limiting beliefs into empowering ones and it's a great choice for individuals looking to improve their lives in a fast and effective way.

I'm also a Psych-K Facilitator

Wait! There's more!.

MY certifications

are you ready to start feeling better?

The work I do can help anyone

Who do I work with?

The Emotion Code and Body Code are a gentle modality that can help just about anyone. 

The Emotion Code and Body Code techniques can be used with clients of all ages, including children and pets. In fact, many practitioners of these techniques find that they are particularly effective with children and animals, who may not be able to communicate their emotional or physical issues in a verbal way.

Frequently Asked Questions

An imbalance refers to a disruption or distortion in the flow of energy within the body's energy field, which can lead to physical, mental, or emotional symptoms.

An imbalance may be caused by various factors, including trapped emotions, environmental toxins, nutritional deficiencies, structural imbalances, pathogens, and more. These imbalances are thought to create energetic blockages that can interfere with the body's natural healing mechanisms, potentially leading to a wide range of health issues. By restoring energetic balance, it is believed that the body's natural healing abilities can be enhanced, potentially leading to improved physical, mental, and emotional health.

what is an imbalance?

In the Emotion Code and Body Code systems, a trapped emotion refers to an emotional energy that becomes stuck in the body's energy field after a traumatic or emotionally charged event. Trapped emotions are thought to disrupt the natural flow of energy in the body, potentially leading to physical, mental, or emotional imbalances.

Trapped emotions are identified through muscle testing and released. By releasing trapped emotions, the body's energy field can return to a state of balance and harmony, improving your overall health and well-being.

WHAT IS a trapped emotion?

Distance healing is based on the concept that everything in the universe is interconnected and that energy can be transmitted across long distances. 

According to quantum physics, the universe is made up of energy and information, and everything is interconnected through a web of energy fields. This interconnectedness is known as the quantum field, which is thought to be the medium through which energy is transmitted.

In distance healing, the practitioner taps into the quantum field to transmit healing energy to the client, regardless of their physical location. This is possible because the quantum field is not bound by time or space and can be accessed from anywhere in the universe. By accessing the quantum field and directing healing energy to the client, the practitioner is able to promote balance and harmony in the client's energy field.

how does distance healing work?

Muscle testing is a technique used to communicate with the subconscious mind and identify energetic imbalances in the body's energy field.

During a session I will use muscle testing to ask the subconscious mind a series of yes-or-no questions related to potential imbalances in the body. Muscle testing is based on the principle that the subconscious mind controls the body's response to external stimuli, and can therefore provide information about energetic imbalances that may not be consciously apparent.

By using muscle testing, I am able to gain insights into the underlying causes of physical, mental, and emotional imbalances, and develop targeted strategies for restoring balance to the body's energy field.

what is muscle testing?

A typical Emotion Code and Body Code session usually begins by discussing my client's concerns and goals for the session. I send you a form and ask questions to help identify areas where you're experiencing issues, such as physical pain, emotional distress, relationship problems, or other health concerns.

After we set our goals and intentions for the session, I will use muscle testing to identify and release trapped emotions, imbalances in the body's energy systems, and other energetic blockages that may be contributing my client's issues. 

Once an imbalance or trapped emotion has been identified, I release/realign/reset the energy, restore balance to the body's energy field, and promote healing. 

After the session, I communicate with my clients either verbally or through a report about the identified issues and what has been released. After the session, the client may be given some recommendations or exercises to help support their healing process, and may be encouraged to follow up with additional sessions as needed.


The Emotion Code and Body Code systems are designed to address a wide range of physical, emotional, and mental health issues. Some examples of issues that the Emotion Code and Body Code may help include:

  • Chronic pain and discomfort
  • Digestive issues
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Fatigue and low energy
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Emotional issues
  • Relationship issues
  • Addictions and compulsive behaviors
  • Sleep disorders
  • Allergies and sensitivities
  • Behavioral issues in children

The Emotion Code and Body Code can help with any issue that is related to energetic imbalances in the body. By restoring balance to the body's energy field, the body's natural healing mechanisms can be enhanced, leading to improved physical, emotional, and mental health. 

What type of issues can this work for?

The benefit of an email session using the Emotion Code and Body Code techniques is that it offers a convenient and flexible option for receiving distance healing. Here are some potential benefits:

  • Convenience: Email sessions allow you to receive healing from the comfort of your own home
  • Accessibility: this is a great option for people who have mobility issues, live in remote areas, or have other constraints
  • Flexibility: Email sessions can be done at a time that is convenient for you, and you can take your time to respond to the practitioner's questions or recommendations.
  • Privacy: these may be appealing to some people who are uncomfortable with in-person sessions or sharing personal information over the phone or video.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Email sessions are more affordable than in-person sessions, especially when combined in packages with multiple sessions.

what are the benefits of email sessions?

The Emotion Code and Body Code techniques can definitely help you towards reaching your goals. These techniques work by identifying your blocks and releasing underlying emotional or energetic imbalances that may be holding you back from achieving your goals. By releasing these imbalances, you may feel more motivated, focused, and confident in pursuing your goals.

It's important to note that while the Emotion Code and Body Code techniques can be helpful in achieving your goals, they need to be combined with taking action such as creating a plan, taking steps towards your goal, and seeking support from friends, family, or a coach. The Emotion Code and Body Code techniques can be a powerful tool to help you overcome emotional and energetic obstacles and may help to complement other goal-setting strategies.

can you help me reach my goals?

The amount of time it takes for your issues to be resolved can vary depending on the individual and their specific needs. Some people may experience immediate relief or improvements after just one session, while others may need multiple sessions before noticing significant changes.

It's important to remember that restoration, healing, and finding that perfect balance happen step by step, like peeling back layers. We can't wave a magic wand and speed things up or make any big promises because everyone brings their own issues and experiences to the table.

The effectiveness of Emotion Code and Body Code also depends on various factors, such as the severity of the issue, how long the issue has been present, and how open the individual is to the healing process. 

how long will it take to resolve my issue?

The frequency of Emotion Code and Body Code sessions can vary depending on your individual needs and goals. However, as a general guideline, it is recommended to leave at least 2-3 days between sessions so that you have time to process the work we've done. The body needs time to process and start healing

At the end of the session, we can ask the subconscious how many sessions you'll need to work through that issue and how long in-between sessions is best for you.

Ultimately, the frequency of your sessions will depend on your personal preference as well availability in my schedule. Some people may prefer to have regular weekly or monthly sessions for ongoing support or you may want to start working on healing other issues.

how often should I have a session?

Disclaimer: Please read the disclaimers below so that your expectations are correct for what you can expect from Body Code and Emotion Code sessions or Psych-K.

I am not a medical professional or a licensed therapist. Emotion Code, Body Code and Psych-K do not replace any psychological and/or medical treatment. Energy Healing is a tool to help the body relax and naturally heal and can be used alongside psychological and/or medical treatment. This information is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Information received is not intended to create any physician-patient relationship, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation with a healthcare provider, nor is it meant to replace any medical treatments as ordered by any physicians, nor any other medical care you have been advised to seek by them. If you have questions or concerns about your mental health, please contact your healthcare provider and/or a registered psychologist. 

I makes no claims as to healing or recovery from any illness, nor the prevention of any illness in the future. There are no guarantees made towards validity. If you have health concerns, seek the advice from an appropriate medical practitioner before making any decisions about your health.

Energy healing promotes harmony and balance within, relieving stress and supporting the body’s natural ability to heal. Energy healing is widely recognized as a valuable and effective complement to conventional medical care. The Emotion Code/Body Code does not use hypnosis or psychiatry, nor does it involve life coaching or counselling. It's your responsibility to be accountable for your decisions and be discerning to what is best practices for your life. In this space I simply bring information forward from your subconscious to support you and correct your imbalances energetically.

Any suggestions regarding supplements, vitamins, minerals, herbs or any compounds, use or ingest any such at your own risk. Seek the advice of a medical professional or specialist before using anything suggested.

Any information, stories, examples, or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of your specific experience.

Confidentiality: I agree to treat the Holistic Practitioner - Client relationship as confidential. All information exchanged is considered confidential unless you express to harm yourself and/or others.

Refunds: I do not offer refunds if appointment is cancelled within 24 hours