Hello! My name is Jamey and I’m so happy you’ve found me here at Innate Inner Wisdom.

If you've come this far, that means that you're having some challenges in your life that you'd like to address. 

I too have had many challenges. The journey to start this practice has been a long and winding road. It hasn't been fast or easy, but eventually, I found my way. Despite the many detours and pit stops along the way, I know this is where I was meant to be.

It's so nice to meet you



I grew up on an idyllic farm in a rural area in Ontario, Canada, and eventually found my way out of small-town life by going to University to become a Landscape Architect. After the third year of the program, I realized that this wasn't the career choice for me, but I still finished the program and received my degree. As soon as I finished University, I spent a couple of years traveling, waitressing, and figuring out what I wanted to do with my life.

During my travels, I was eventually led to Victoria, Vancouver Island, where I knew immediately this was where I belonged. It has now been 25 years since I moved here, and it has been one of the best decisions of my life. It is in Victoria where I met my husband and had my daughter. It was also here that I discovered my passion for graphic design and marketing. Thus started my career thanks to many amazing mentors along the way who saw my talent and skills and helped me carve out a professional path for myself.

After experiencing an emotional breakdown in 2014, I realized I had been suppressing my emotions from years of trauma from childhood. Healing became almost like a full-time job for me as I threw myself into it. As part of my long healing journey, I worked with a variety of modalities, including working with counselors and psychologists as well as professionals with expertise in mindfulness practices, meditation, hypnosis, craniosacral therapy, Body Talk, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), and other energy healing techniques. In the end, I was able to find myself again after working through these various practices. It was a long process but eventually I started feeling better.

Here's a little Bit about my story

My Story

By the time the pandemic rolled around, my work as a COO for an online marketing company began to take its toll on me emotionally. In addition to working crazy hours with little vacation time, I was beginning to feel like my professional life had no meaning. I was working myself to the bone for something I no longer believed in. At that point, it clearly felt like my life was reaching another low point.

Luckily during my healing journey, I discovered PSYCH-K®. As I reflected on the wonderful PSYCH-K® experience I had, I decided to become a PSYCH-K® facilitator. I had no idea where this would take me but I felt called to take the program. As I was looking for a modality that would complement PSYCH-K®, I stumbled upon a video of Dr. Bradley Nelson discussing the Emotion Code. Right away, I knew this was the perfect compliment to PSYCH-K® as they are both gentle healing methods that work with the subconscious mind.

During my Emotion Code training, I found out that Dr. Nelson had also developed a second program called the Body Code. As much as I enjoyed learning PSYCH-K® and Emotion Code, I had no idea what I was in for with the Body Code…pure bliss. For years, I had been asking the Universe for guidance to help me find my life's passion and purpose. Now that I've found it, I'm so thrilled and grateful to be able to help others. 

What I love most about the Emotion Code, Body Code, and PSYCH-K® is that working with these modalities is like hitting the “easy button.” There’s no need to relive and hash out all your traumas and emotional wounds again. Instead, these modalities offer a gentle yet extremely powerful way to connect with your subconscious to balance and clear your issues.  I only wish I had known about all of these modalities when I had my breakdown. These modalities give you a process that’s self-empowering and can impact your life at a deep subconscious and cellular level.

Today I am a proud practitioner of the Emotion Code, the Body Code, and a PSYCH-K® facilitator. It gives me great joy to help people relieve their emotional, psychological, and physical discomfort. I’m looking forward to connecting with you and seeing how I can make your life better.

are you ready to start feeling better?

I have experienced the benefits of the Emotion Code and Body Code first hand and want to share these gentle yet powerful modalities with others. After many years, I've finally overcome my own emotional and physical challenges.

I know how horrible it feels when you can't get out from under your challenging past and issues but I also know how good it feels on the other side, when you feel whole and alive again. I want to you to find this for yourself.

I have also seen family members or friends struggle with conditions that are difficult to treat, and want to offer an alternative approach to healing.

Finally, after years of feeling unfilled by my work, I want to have a rewarding and satisfying career that I'm passionate about. Work that helps others to heal, grow and be the best versions of themselves. 

What is my why?

  • For a number of years, I played ice hockey on an all boys team. I always had to suit up in the janitor's closet.
  • Twice in my life (for a total of 1.5 years) I lived on the tiny Island of Jersey off the coast of France.
  • In my mid 20's I worked as a chicken checker, going to farms and testing chickens' blood for health issues.

Fun Facts About Me

  • I'm a Sagittarius through and through.
  • I'm married to a man who's last name is a popular traditional Italian food.